
Decision Makers Are Needed

Friday, May 10, 2013

 Our mind is immensely powerful. It's the tool that shapes our lives. It's so important that if we seek to discover a new level of understand in any avenue of our lives, we must engage it in order to act.  I believe that with God's assistance, we have the ability to see above and through any simple or difficult situation. 

However we have to make a  conscious decision. Everything else that proceeds is a result of our decisions. Romans 12:2 challenges us to "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (KJV)

I believe the greatest discoveries known to us are constantly being defined by those willing to seek new heights than the ones set before them. When we go beyond our fears and escape our comfort zones we expand our depths of understanding. Which frees us and gives us more room to operate confidently. Making good decisions is a choice thats available to all of us. However, everyone is not comfortable or willing to make choices because of the possible consequences. 

Being a decision maker is what makes and separates a leader. Leaders are defined by their desicions and how well they communicate their strategy to their followers. Leaders rise not because they are the best choice but because they are the ones willing to make a choice. Everyone wants to win but everyone may not know the winning direction. So it's in making conscious decisions the best path is known. 

There's no substitute for having courage, each desicion you make leads to a stronger and more defined path to your final destination. 