
Decision Makers Are Needed

Friday, May 10, 2013

 Our mind is immensely powerful. It's the tool that shapes our lives. It's so important that if we seek to discover a new level of understand in any avenue of our lives, we must engage it in order to act.  I believe that with God's assistance, we have the ability to see above and through any simple or difficult situation. 

However we have to make a  conscious decision. Everything else that proceeds is a result of our decisions. Romans 12:2 challenges us to "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (KJV)

I believe the greatest discoveries known to us are constantly being defined by those willing to seek new heights than the ones set before them. When we go beyond our fears and escape our comfort zones we expand our depths of understanding. Which frees us and gives us more room to operate confidently. Making good decisions is a choice thats available to all of us. However, everyone is not comfortable or willing to make choices because of the possible consequences. 

Being a decision maker is what makes and separates a leader. Leaders are defined by their desicions and how well they communicate their strategy to their followers. Leaders rise not because they are the best choice but because they are the ones willing to make a choice. Everyone wants to win but everyone may not know the winning direction. So it's in making conscious decisions the best path is known. 

There's no substitute for having courage, each desicion you make leads to a stronger and more defined path to your final destination. 

What are you THINKING?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

By Ericka Delismé

Proverbs 4:23 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
“Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life.”

You are what you think. That’s why we have to start with the mind. There’s an old saying “Get the mind, whip the behind.”

On Easter Sunday, my pastor talked about being locked in a room with all the doors left open. It sounds silly but sometimes the doors to our goals and dreams are open waiting for us to walk through. The only thing stopping us from walking through is our thoughts and perspective about what’s going to be on the other side of that gateway.

That’s when I usually find myself asking, “Am I strong enough? Am I smart enough? Am I outgoing enough? Can I really do it?” Well this is what I’ve discovered … The journey through the uncertain gateway answers those questions! Prior to that journey are questions but after going through that journey are absolute answers.

It has been through the journey that I found out I am stronger, smarter, and can totally do it. Life doesn’t get better by doing the same old things over and over. It’s the new experiences that challenge us and makes us grow, learn, and change for better.

Cars, apps, and phones are not the only things at need an upgrade or new model released every year. We too have to evolve and upgrade. God is not the god of complacency. So redefine your perspectives and dive into an improved version of yourself.

Proverbs 4:23 King James Version (KJV)
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

Proverbs 4:23 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.”

Eat Better, Live Better

Friday, April 5, 2013

I've challenged myself to eat better this year. After being in the hospital last year, I've realized we only get one life. And my life is much better lived outside of a hospital bed ;)

No matter what our plans are we can't live it out if we are not healthy. So join me in this journey of new food, new flavors, and a stronger body!

I have to increase my iron intake. I've read foods with high iron include: greens, red meat, parsley, beets, and spinach. Our body absorbs more iron from meat than veggies but you need both.

Look for more iron rich foods as I learn. Please feel free to share some iron rich info also.

Help In The Time Of Trouble

As a Christian, I wish I could tell you that accepting Christ means your life will be easier.  However, Sister Williams (from my Sunday School class), reminded me that suffering is a Christian’s training ground.   

Obstacles are a scheduled part of our lives.  God does not stop them from surfacing because they serve a purpose.  As you’re going through life, trials and tribulations come not to hinder us.  Instead it is one of God’s ways of getting our attention, so that we may draw us closer to Him.  

If you’re feeling weak through your trials, may the words of Jesus Christ comfort you…“for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (II Corinthians 12:9 (KJV).  We should not depend on our own strength to make it through.  That’s what the Holy Spirit is for.  Independent thinking will lead you astray.  Philippians 4:13 (KJV) says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  I know when we are facing obstacles, we tend to depend on the things that are tangible, but this is where we have to put our belief in God’s abilities into action!

Perseverance is the key!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When I was in college my freshman and sophomore years I had to take several prerequisites in order to get accepted into my major. After that, I was able to get into a concentrated field of study that I enjoyed.

I started school with many friends full of enthusiasm and ready to embark on a new adventure that would end of shaping the rest of their lives. Sad to say some of my friend's adventures never came to be. Their hopes and dreams remained a thought and nothing more.

Several of my college prerequisite courses were nothing more than weed out class. The work was a little challenging, the reading was tedious, and the idea of skipping class was appealing. At one point I found myself lost and I felt completing my degree was a distant vision.

The difference maker was WORKING persistence. It was not enough to want, wish, and hope for something. Some days we want to achieve more than others. However, more than desiring something we have to make it a habit to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Everyone hits a plateau in different areas of their lives. We must not let that stop us from reaching our desired goals.

So lets keep it moving. Progress IS progress no matter how great or small. Of course we want to get there in one leap but we should not let the work involved stop or discourage our momentum. Don't let anything or anyone derail you from your God given purpose! If it was easy then everyone would have made it through those weed out classes. Find what will make a difference in reaching your goals and purpose then keep working at it. Each day your progress will add on to the day before and before you know it ... You're there!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Curves By Design: Go fearless ... You do have the power to overcome anything!

Curves By Design: Go fearless ... You do have the power to overcome anything!

Be Fearless!

Go fearless ... You do have the power to overcome anything!

I came across an awesome article! Its encouraging us to go fearless in the mist of our trials and challenges. Be empowered ... Then ACT on it!

"They push themselves to live beyond their individual comfort zones by daring to accomplish things that others consider impossible and implementing solutions to problems without a safety net.


Think about it: there are accomplishments that will never be made unless you make them. There are books that will never be written, songs that will never be sung, discoveries that will never be made, problems that will never be solved, inventions that will never benefit humanity, and people whose lives will never be improved unless you have the courage to overcome the irrational fears that surround your greatest opportunities in life."

Be Fearless!

Out of the Land of Zoar to Rapid Fire Blessing!

Friday, March 8, 2013

This is my notes from a couple of sermons my Pastor gave us this year. It has really expanded my faith and approach to my goals. May it do the same for you and more!

He's taking you out to bring you in
Pastor Jenkins
Genesis 19:16-22

Zoar means little ... Lot chose little. Lot didn't go to where the angles told him to. Which had more available.

Stop limiting the power of God. God wants to take you out of little and move you to much more. Don't settle for little in 2013!

Rapid, radical, fire blessings
Rev. Jenkins
Amos 9:11-13

The sermon is about rapid blessings.

God wants to bless you as you sow, while you are plowing the field. ... God is doing this for the children of Israel ... The same group He said that is a backsliding heifer. =) it's sad but sometimes I deserve that label.

However, in spite of our ways, God is taking about blessing us on top of blessing! But you have to get rid of the head trash ... Head trash is where you have allowed yourself to limit how far you can go ... It is self Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through obstruction, etc. ... You have told yourself this is how far I can go!

Lot wanted Zoar ... Which means little ...

Don't fight against what God is trying to do for you. The Lord wants to give you rapid fire blessings. God will take you higher ... So where ever you are right now don't be satisfied cause God has more in store for you.

You have convinced yourself you can't go any further ... That head trash is limiting and sabotaging your future. Grow into what God designed and equipped you to be!

1) God will raise you up ... Vs. 11 ... That's why you have to tithe as God has asked ... He will pour out blessings.

Side note: this is another way some people limit their blessings. God said not only will He bless you but he will cover up the holes in your pockets. He will block the enemy from destroying your harvest. And sometimes I am my own enemy without knowing it! But that's another post ... I'll share more about that at another time.

2) God will reserve it for you ... Remnant means to reserve ... Vs. 12 ... When God reserves a blessing for you it grows! Look at the young lad with the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. And Jesus took it and lift it up to heaven and blessed it.

Sometimes God lets us over work because we won't let our faith work for us ... Believe in The Lord and position yourself for God's blessing.

This is SO TRUE FOR ME. I've always heard hard work pays off ... and it is true. But so does working your faith! Do what you can in the natural and God almighty will surely take care of the supernatural. Hill Harper puts it this way... Work hard at working smart.

3) God will rush it to you! Vs. 13 ... As you sow and plant God grows it right then! He will send you rushed blessings. While sometimes it take a while for things to grow ... In the correct environment and proper situation ... God will send a right now blessing! Miracles are still being done everyday. Hallelujah to that!

So expand yourself accordingly His promises are real.

Until The Harvest

This was a very good message. When I went to visit my sisters in Tally. I hope the notes I jotted down bless you richly!

Rev. Homes
Matthew 13:24-30

1) wheat and tares look alike. It was difficult to identify which was good. Just like its difficult to tell a saint from a sinner. Vs. 29 - that's why you should not be quick to judge.
2) the pretenders can't deal with contenders. The tares, no matter how strong, can't destroy good wheat. When you have strong faith you will be the conquer on the conquered.

3) learn how to live with until ...
Until ... My change come! Until ... My deliverance come! Until ... My breakthrough ... The Harvest. Vs. 30
Sometimes we have to wait until...

Until The Harvest

This was a very good message. When I went to visit my sisters in Tally. I hope the notes I jotted down bless you richly!

Rev. Homes
Matthew 13:24-30

1) wheat and tares look alike. It was difficult to identify which was good. Just like its difficult to tell a saint from a sinner. Vs. 29 - that's why you should not be quick to judge.
2) the pretenders can't deal with contenders. The tares, no matter how strong, can't destroy good wheat. When you have strong faith you will be the conquer on the conquered.

3) learn how to live with until ...
Until ... My change come! Until ... My deliverance come! Until ... My breakthrough ... The Harvest. Vs. 30
Sometimes we have to wait until...

To EVERY thing there is a season

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lately it seems as I try to press toward the mark, more weight keeps coming my way. I feel like I’m in this constant tug of war. I have days when I feel like I’ve conquered it all. Then there are days where I feel like it has conquered me and I have no energy to fight back. The only thing that stops me from giving in is God. I just don’t want to face Him in heaven with nothing but disappointment and failure. I do want to say in spite of how my life ends, I put up a good fight. So, I keep telling myself there is one more amazing chapter left to go in my life.

In Ecclesiastics chapter 3 it states, “To EVERY thing there is a season...” Sometimes that can be hard to remember. But it’s true! As I meditate on God’s Word today, He lets me know that there are at least 4 seasons with in one year.

With that in mind, I started to think about the different seasons and what they all had in common. Cultivating. I realized from one season to the next, I had to plant some seeds and there were some things that needed to be uprooted. God is always working, so we need to be as well. No matter what season we are in, seeds of trust and faith in God can be planted.

If you’re not careful, you could be planting seeds of doubt. Unfortunately, those seeds of doubt are like weeds. Weeds are wild plants seeking to take over your entire garden. If you don’t plant those seeds of trust and faith in God, doubt and worry could overwhelm you and take over.

So I’ve decided I’m going to commit to planting seeds of trust and faith in God even when it doesn’t seem like anything is growing. God is faithful to His Word and promised I would reap my harvest in due season.

No matter how little your planting is today ... do it! And do away with doubts by starting a new useful habit.

Exposing the truth:
o Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

o Psalm 104:27
These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

o Psalm 1:3
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

o Ezekiel 34:26
And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.